Monday, September 22, 2014

My best friend

I have to say first that I'm not a person who have a lot of friends, I'm sociable but I only trust in a few persons actually I have 3 best friends but in this occasion I will write about Nicole, because we are friends for a really long time.
This picture was taken 2 years ago in a "Fonda"
I met her when I was 9 and she was 8 years old, in the beginning we didn't like each other because she was a lady and I was like a man, but then we started to meet each other and the friendship began.
We have been friends like 13 years and nothing could take us apart.
She is the funniest person that I know, so crazy and sweetest, also she is a really good friend and she gives good advice.
Now we don't have a lot of time to see each other but when we do it's so fun because we love food and we eat ice-creams while we talk.
I had a lot of memories with her, but the last one was 2 days ago when I went to her house and then we went to the "fonda" with another friends and it was so fun. I laugh a lot and she protected me from the alcohol.

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Best Concert I've had

When I was 14 in the year 2006, one of my all time favorite bands came to Chile: MxPx (a punk rock band). It brought a lot of happiness to my life. I purchase the ticket with all my monthly payment and I went to the concert with my brother who also liked the band when he was a child (he was like 18 years old in that time) But my parents purchase the ticket for him (so unfair!)

I remember doing the queue, we arrived just in time and we waited a little of time, the concert was in Caupolicán Theater When we enter to the Theater it was full of young people just like us. 
MxPx went up to the stage and I was in the first line, I didn't see my brother in the whole concert because he was "moshing", he only went a few times where I was to checking me up. The concert was really long, they played like 19 songs and I sang all of them, It was so fun!! I jumped and screamed a lot, also I took a few pictures, but they're lost right now.  
When the concert finished my parents went to pick us and I was in heaven, so happy, excited and without voice. The day after the show I couldn't move, because I was so tired and my body was in pain, but It was nothing compares with my happiness.

Here I left a video, It's not of the concert that I went, but it is one of my favorite songs of this band

Monday, September 1, 2014

My favorite movie

Let's face it,It's very difficult to choose a favorite movie when you are studying "Films and Television" but if I had to choose one I will probably choose "STAR WARS"

An Ewok specimen, look at his tiny
hands holding a lance
In the beginning they hated
each other, but then they fall
in love. From hate to love
it just takes one step.   
A couple of years ago I saw the whole saga and immediately I became a huge fan. I love everything in this movie, specially the ewoks, because I'm short like them and they're so cute and fierce! (ñub ñub). I like the wars, special affects and I'm a shipper of Leia and Han Solo relationship. 

The main characters in this movie depends of the chapters. For example in the episodes IV, V, VI the main characters are Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) an orphan who lives with his auncle and aunt, and his story changes when he finds out that he is a Jedi Knight. 
 Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) who is a rebel, she leads the movement against the empire, Han Solo (Harrison Ford) is a pilot of the faster plane in the galaxy and he helps the rebels. He is like the pirate in the galaxy. And we can't forget one the best movie villains: Darth Vader (yes, the "I'm your father" guy)  he is like the Hitler of the galaxy.

The galaxy is where this story takes a place. The episodes IV, V, VI tell the story about The mayor dictator  called Darth Vader and there's no liberty, he has his army in every city and planet. There's a lot of danger and the people is suffering. There are some rebels who want to take down the government  so they start to do some plans and strategies. 

I wouldn't change anything about this film, I love it just the way it is. Also I have one T-shirt and toys of the characters and my dream is go to Comic-Con dressed as Princess Leia or Darth Vader. 

Here is one of my favorite scenes: